Monday, September 30, 2019

Cyberbullying Essay

Many teens across the world are facing issues with cyber bullying. Not only are the teens being affected but their families too. People wonder what to do with this situation. With technology increasing, it’s making kids easier to bully one another online and through many different forms of technology. As cyber bullying has become the number one type of bullying, many lives are being affected. Cyber bullying is the use of the internet, cell phones, or other electronic communication devices to spread harmful or embarrassing information about another person (cyberbullying 1). It can also take many forms including, repeatedly sending emails to people who have said they don’t want contact with the sender. It includes sending threats, making sexual remarks, using offensive language or labels, or posting humiliating photos or videos, as well as spreading rumors or lies about the victim (cyberbullying 1). Numerous reports of cyber bullying have states questioning whether they s hould take action or not. In today’s society it is extremely easy to abuse the use of technology. Many teens and young adults express anger and other emotions toward one another through some type of media. As the number of cases rise, schools and states are passing more and more laws to protect the children and citizens of their community. Some people are arguing that we don’t need cyber bullying laws, that we already have laws against bullying and that should be enough. â€Å"Laws may be imperfect and enforcement may be difficult and spotty, but that’s better than nothing. I’d rather have anti-bullying laws that protect kids 90% of the time and have difficulties 10% of the time, than have no laws to stop cyber bullying and leave kids vulnerable 100% of the time† (Leichtling, 2013, pg. 2). One reason that people don’t think its necessary to create a law–for cyber bullying–is because speech is constitutionally protected (Murphy 1). We, as citizens of the United States of America, have the right to freedom of speech. But with the right to freedom of speech comes a price. A price we all have to live with, and that’s the price of someone’s life. No matter what, there will always be that one person who has to be better than someone else. There comes a point in life where we have to realize that sometimes the laws need to be broken. In this case, it’s for the better. No one’s life is worth the protection of speech. If we keep on letting cyber bullying go because of the person’s â€Å"rights† then we need a major wake up call. No matter what we do we won’t be able to stop it, but if we stand up and take  action then we can lessen the amount of cyber bullying that happens. Only 18 states have a cyber-bullying law that protects kids from electronic abuse, while 47 states have laws against physical bullying (State Cyberbullying Laws). As schools realize the effect of cyber bullying, they have stepped up and are ready to fight. Schools are passing laws in and out of school. The schools are stepping in and monitoring the students’ social accounts. If a student bullies someone during school break (like spring break, summer break, etc.) the school can intervene and suspend or even expel the student. In a survey taken in 2005 16.2% have been reported that they’ve been a victim outside of school (Uhls 2). Another way to protect students from bullying is Title IX. Many people don’t think too much about Title IX because they think it’s just to equalize the students. Title IX is to help prevent gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence (Murphy 2). â€Å"Schools rarely acknowledge sexual harassment when they see it, and even when they do, they avoid getting involved when some of the conduct occurs off-campus. They tell parents they only have jurisdiction over harassment that occurs â€Å"on campus† or in connection with a school-sponsored activity.† (Murphy 2). Not anymore though, many schools are stepping up and taking action even when school isn’t in session. Schools need to take Title IX more seriously and use it to help the families that are facing issues with cyber bullying. Title IX can do many things to help prevent students from being bullied or sexual harassed by other students. Most families don’t know about it, so they don’t think to bring it up in court. If schools and courts advertised Title IX more often than the number of suicides–due to cyber bullying–would drop d ramatically. People need to know that there is a way to get help and that they are not alone. In a recent study of 2,000 random middle-schoolers, 20% of them were seriously thinking about attempting suicide, while 19% reported attempting suicide. That means 39% of the 2,000 kids wanted to end their life (Hinduja 1, 2). The most commonly-reported form of cyber bullying was: â€Å"posted something online about another person to make others laugh† while the most frequent form of victimization was: â€Å"received an upsetting email form someone you know† (Hinduja 2). Cyber bullying takes a toll on everyone’s life. For some teens it can make them depressed and hate themselves. For others it can cause them to turn to drugs or alcohol. Teens are easily influenced by media and what  their peers say. So when cyber bullying occurs, it’s easy for the teen to believe it and think negative things. We need to stand up and take action. Have more campaigns about positive things and not so many negative things. Teens need to feel safe at school, but sadly that’s one of the last places teens feel safe. Teens that are cyber bullied usually have no where to turn to. The small but significant variation found in suicidal thoughts and actions based on bullying and cyber bullying suggests that all forms of adolescent peer aggression must be taken seriously–both at school and at home (Hinduja 2) There are many different ways we can help protect students from being bullied. Schools have hotlines that students can call anonymously if they want to report bullying. A major reason why kids don’t report cyber bullying is because they are scared of getting bullied themselves. Schools need to pass stricter laws and parents need to start monitoring their children’s social activity, even if they are the ones being bullied. In cases of cyber bullying you can never be to protective. So many kids have died because they have felt useless and worthless due to cyber bullying. How would you like it if you were being told daily that you meant nothing to world, and that it would be better off with out you. Eventually it would get to your head and effect you. Even some of the strongest people are bullied and it kills them–in and out. Girls however though, are more likely to be bullied than boys, just like girls are more likely to bully than guys are (Cyberbullying 1). If given the chance, people will be mean, nasty and vicious to others, especially if they can act anonymously or the target can’t fight back effectively (Leichtling 2). No matter there will always be mean people in this world. Nothing will change that, it’s just part of life. But it doesn’t justify for all the lives that it has cost. Things need to change. Schools and states need to pass stricter and more serious laws that help protect kids and young adults from cyber bullying. As technology increases, bullying becomes easier and kids are getting away with it. It’s time to take a stand and fight for the kids who couldn’t fight back.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Writing and Colonial New England

Men were not responsible for anything that went on in the house back in that time. Married and divorced parents spent more time now with their children than 40 years ago. Children time for fathers Increased a lot more now than in the colonial times. Fathers weren't responsible for their children and women were obligated to do all house work. Response: This particular article took me by surprise because the fact that back in Colonial times fathers didn't really help around the house is upsetting and surprising.In my opinion, women and men are obligated to do the same and equal work as catheter. The Role of Men and Women In Colonial New England: Summary: Women and Men were forbidden to strike each other in the Colonial times. A man was forced to give bond if he was caught verbally abusing his wife. The duty of a husband was to go work and support his wife at all times. Women's property was forced to be given up to her husband once they were married and she was not allowed to work or ow n anything. In men's pollen women lacked strength for Intellectual exercise.Response: This article shocked me because the fact that men saw themselves as better than women is extremely degrading and unfair, women can do the same wings men can do The Role of Children In Colonial New England: Summary: Puritan parents were obligated to direct their children responsibly. Children who were too spoiled were sent to be treated by a master to become more obedient. Girls started learning house work as young as the age of 5. They had to learn how to cook and clean and do all the kinds of housework.I feel like with time writing exams you are so rushed to finish writing and outline that by the time you start your essay you Just go blank. To prevent that I read my articles more than once to completely understand it thoroughly and then I begin my essay. This really helps me in the long run and is good or completing and understanding my essay. Log 1 felt like I was prepared for the midterm. If I w ere to change anything I would read my articles a few more times next time to better understand them before my midterm.But generally I felt like I did a exceptional Job on my midterm and tried my hardest spending all the time I could to finish it. Writers Checklist: 1 . Does your idea draft respond fully to the assignment? Yes, it does. 2. Are your ideas organized the way you want? Yes, in my opinion, the ideas are organized how I want them to be. 3. Does your intro explain what the essay is about and what its repose is? My essays introduction introduces the topic and explains what the essay is going you be about. . Do you have a thesis that states your point or indicates the issue the essay will address? Yes, my thesis indicates the issue that my essay will address. 5. Do the body paragraphs each have a topic sentence? Do they develop the main points by giving specifics and examples to support these points? Yes. 6. Does your conclusion make one or more recommendations? Yes, my conc lusion makes at least one recommendation. 7. Yes, both my trusted friend and a classmate has reviewed my essay.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comprehensive Environmental Analysis Paper

Running head: Comprehensive Environmental Analysis Paper Comprehensive Environmental Analysis Paper University of Phoenix August 31, 2009 Comprehensive Environmental Analysis Paper Despite the recent setbacks for its image, the United States has by far the largest influence in the region. During 2007, China supplied over two-thirds of computers exported to the U. S. from the six major trading nations. In fact, China contributed to $23. 2 billion (76. 7% ) of U. S. computer imports. It should not, however, take its influence in the region for granted, if China is to continue to position itself as an Asia Pacific power. Its influence in the region cannot be maintained by economic and military supremacy alone. East Asia is going through historic geopolitical changes due to the rise of China. Political interest in the vision of an East Asian community suggests that the region is in search of a new order to accommodate China’s growing power and influence and to maintain regional peace and stability. In no way is this an easy enterprise. Asian countries tend to suffer from domestic political difficulties in economic liberalization, large gaps in developmental stages among regional economies, and mutual distrust and historical antagonism between Japan and China. Despite these difficulties, however, there is a growing consensus that, eventually, East Asian countries will come up with some form of a regional community. Regional alliances and economic integration East Asian economic integration will help reduce regional tension and lighten America's security burden in the region. Economic integration will engage regional powers in stable regional interdependence where one's prosperity is in the interest of others, and make them more predictable and reliable to each other. Successful development of poorer countries in Asia through integration in regional economic dynamism will help political stability and reduce the possibility that these countries will become hotbeds of terrorism. Regional: Physical environment and its effect on trade Asia’s physical environment has a big affect on trade in a couple of ways. First the weather in Asia as a region is very unpredictable. Having unpredictable weather or catastrophic events can have a major impact on a business because companies could lose physical property, manufacturing time, or products which would result in financial loss. The air quality within the cities of Asia is poor and is known for creating health issues among the individuals living in that area. Production can be affected if employees are out sick and away from their jobs. Air pollution and an unclean environment only somewhat effects trade; however an organization can easily open up a factory there as well with cheap labor and weak environmental laws. Many foreign companies have placed their factories in China with a great deal of success because of the ability to hire cheap labor and to run their factories without many regulations. Regional Political Stability The political stability of China seems precarious at best. â€Å"While the US relies on free markets and free societies as the basis for contemporary socioeconomic and political movement, China focuses on stability as the essence of its foreign policy† (Cheow, 2006). China has often been fueled by propaganda but in recent years, China’s top political leaders have begun to stress how important stability is with all people throughout their country. This includes all people from all backgrounds. China’s political stability has helped to fuel economic growth throughout the country. Regional Social, Health, and Environmental Conditions Chinese workers remain among the lowest paid in the world. The average total labor compensation for a Chinese manufacturing worker is 57 cents per hour, with many making far less than that, benefits included† (McCormack, 2006). This translates to approximately $104 per month; this makes living any type of decent life as we know it utterly impossibly. Many low-paid Chinese employees will live in squalor and with many people to small single bedroom quarters. In China there is no shortage of workers; China has a large unemployment rate of 25% (McCormack, 2006) leaving an abundance of low arning employees for many years to come. Regional Terrorism Threats China does have an internal terrorist threat. Not only are there Muslim Separatists’ in the region, but also the Uygur separatist groups and the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, both of which have â€Å"been reputed to have trained in Afghanistan to fight along with the Taliban and al Qaeda† (chinaguide,com, 2009). It is important to understand China has recognized this issue and â€Å"to fight terrorism, the Chinese government will enhance international cooperation and strengthen legislation and law enforcement on anti-terrorism† (Xinhua News Agency, 2005). Regional: Economic conditions The economic conditions of Asia differ from which country you are in. This can affect trade in many ways that are positive and negative. The positives that come from a poor economy are the ability to hire cheap labor and to spend less on manufacturing the product. The company also comes into the region offering jobs to a society that truly needs money and the ability to make a living. Another advantage is the ability to export products all over the world from a very productive location. Negative aspects of a poor economy are that the product will not sell well in a poor region. Theft and destruction to an organization are another hazard that could occur when located in a poor region. The economic situations vary; some places in Asia are wealthy while some are very poor. Due to this fact, it is important to tailor an organizations marketing strategy to those each specific area. Regional: Finance options available When an organization decides to open their company in Asia, it is imperative to finance through a financial company that is well established. Team B’s company should finance their global organization through a successful, well established lender. There are also many successful companies in Asia that could possibly help finance and invest in Team B’s organization. Creating a strong business partner is extremely important in creating a successful and long-lasting organization. Country Political stability Since 1978 China has gone through a series of rapid changes within their government system; these political changes span from human rights practices to new labor laws. These new laws have allowed China to create a solid and stable foundation for the government and to operate on a daily basis. At the current time, China is politically stable. This can be seen in the growth of China as well as the impact that China is having on the global market. Country Economic Conditions In 1987, China constructed a three step developmental strategy that would increase the overall economic conditions in China. These three developmental strategies are: to double the 1980 GNP and ensure that the people have enough food and clothing, to quadruple the 1980 GNP by the end of the 20th century, and to increase per-capita GNP to the level of the medium-developed countries by the year 2050. Step one ensures that the Chinese level of poverty will not increase. The second step has already been achieved in 1995. Finally, the third and final step, explains that by increasing the GNP, Chinese citizens will be financially stable and be equipped with modern technology. The current economic condition is better than expected with new heavy and light industry, agricultural and energy expansion. The Chinese economy continues to grow at a fast pace. Country Financial Options Building and manufacturing plastic laptop housing in China offers a couple of financial options for the company to expand. The first financial option available is low to no interest loans offered by the Chinese government. This financial option is an incentive offered by China to attract new business into their country. Another financial option is building capital through investors. This option would create a group of shareholders that have intvested the capital needed to build a new facility with potential return on their investment. Country Social, Health, and Environmental Conditions The current social, health and environmental conditions are not as good as other countries but the Chinese government is working on reforming these conditions throughout the nation. The safety and working conditions are considered much lower and more dangerous than other parts of the world. A few of the steps that the Chinese government is currently working on are 1. â€Å"Enacting and improving environment and health laws and regulations. † (China. org. cn. ,  2009). 2. â€Å"Build a supervision network on environment and health† (China. org. cn. ,  2009). 3. â€Å"Set up state environment and health information share and service system† (China. org. cn. ,  2009). Even though China’s current social, health, and environmental conditions are not the most favorable, the Chinese government is continually working on ways to improve the quality of the environment and working conditions throughout the nation. Cultural Considerations One of the first things that should be considered is that China’s history spans more than 5,000 years. In years past China has experienced times of feudalism, communism, invasion, but now they have a fledgling market economy. When considering doing business in China, one of the biggest things to consider is the different arrays of Chinese business culture and etiquette. Chinese business culture and etiquette includes maintaining eye contact between the members of the business meeting. Without eye contact the perception of untrustworthiness will be portrayed. Another very important aspect of Chinese business etiquette is to address each Chinese counterpart with his or her title and last name; if they don’t have a title address them with Mr. or Madam. China’s current culture should be taken into consideration to illustrate respect towards their country and businesses (Winters, 2008). Organization and Product Analysis Team B will be developing an organization that intends to make plans for manufacturing laptop computer housing in China. Computer housing is the shell that protects the memory, processors, and drives that enable a computer to work. This organization would create and manufacture computer housing then sell them to computer companies like Dell, IBM, or HP who would then build and sell computers to consumers. Desktop computer housing sales have declined because there has been a decrease in desktop sales and an increase in laptop sales. The market is also beginning to see sales of Notebooks or small wireless computers that’s main function is internet media and communication (Abbasi, 2009). As laptop sales and notebook sales increase there will be a continuous need for laptop housing. Conclusion Ultimately, as the demand for technology increases and adapts to an emerging Chinese society, active U. S. support for improving global and regional institutions, promoting Asian development and fostering Asian regional cooperation would enhance its influence in the region and elsewhere. With this perspective, the rise of China and the trend toward intra-regional economic integration in Asia are opportunities for both of our countries. Team B’s organization would benefit in many aspects by manufacturing laptop housing in China. References Abbasi, S. (2009). Netbooks a factor in increase in laptop sales. Startup Meme. Retrieved August 30, 2009 from, http://startupmeme. com/netbooks-a-factor-behind-increase-in-laptop-sales/. China. org. cn.. (2009). Action Plan on Environment and Health (2007-2015). Retrieved August  30, 2009, from http://www. china. org. cn/english/environment/238275. htm China Under Threat of Terrorism: Official (August, 2005) Retrieved August 29, 2009 From: http://www. china. org. cn/english/government/140269. htm Good Luck Competing Against Chinese Labor Costs Mfg. Job Growth In China Is Headed Up, Not Down; 109 Million Mfg. Workers In China Dwarfs Number In U. S. , McCormack, R. (May, 2006). Retrieved August 29, 2009 from: http://www. manufacturingnews. com/news/06/0502/art1. html US Department of State. (2009). Background Note: China . Retrieved August  30, 2009, from http://www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/18902. htm U. S. -China Ideological Rivalry Heats Up. (January 2006) Cheow, E. The Japan Times. Retrieved August 29, 2009 from: http://yaleglobal. yale. edu/display. article? id=6737 Winters, E. (2008). Headed for China? Cultural considerations. China Business Success Stories. Retrieved August 30, 2009 from, http://www. chinasuccessstories. com/2008/02/13/heading-for-china/. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. (2009). Economy of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved August  30, 2009, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Economy_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China | |

Friday, September 27, 2019

Chapter 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Chapter 11 - Essay Example There was a thin line between the author’s reasons and my reasons because the women rarely indulge in the physical activities because they might fear the risks that may come with the consequences of the act, there is also the barriers of costs to be incurred which is similar to one of the reasons of the authors and equally the chances of experiencing the risks. There were the theories that were chosen as the basis for the program which include; HBM meaning health belief model, SE (self-efficacy), and the SLT theory which means social learning theory. According to HBM, a person’s health related behavior depends on several factors like: the severity of the illness, the person’s susceptibility to the illness and the importance and the barriers to taking precautionary actions. The HBM theory was preferred by many researchers because it emphasizes on knowledge and perception which seemed appropriate to a population to which the health outcome of a preventive behavior. The SE theory is based on the misconceptions among Hispanics about the relationship between certain risk behaviors and the diseases given that mistaken belief can give a false discernment of the need for change. The SLT theory manifests the human behavior as interactive way between environmental, behavioral and personal factors (Slattery, pg.38). In the SLT theory, reinforcement, observational learning, self-control, behavioral capability and emotional coping responses together with SE are principal constructs in SLT. There are also other constructs like environmental factors which affect behavior. The factors can be particularly important for enhancing physical activities among Hispanic women for various reasons because the term environment refers to the social environment which is inclusive friends, family members and peers which is part of the Hispanic culture. This affects the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why do you want ot participate in the summer program in italy Essay

Why do you want ot participate in the summer program in italy - Essay Example The language just has a soothing effect on the psyche of most people. It is romantic and loving. It is hopeful and caring in sound. The whole country is an intricate study of the history of mankind and the evolution of one of the most influential societies during its golden era. Its churches, museums, amphitheaters, and the Colosseum are all standing monuments to a glorious past that, thanks to accurate historical accounts, has managed to live on well into the 21st century. Having said that, a visit to Italy for the summer shall be the experience of a lifetime for me. A summer trip with my friends and classmates would allow me the opportunity to see all if not most of the places that I have only heard about in World History class or seen on traveling and living channels on cable TV. This summer trip will be the highlight of my year. They say that in order to understand the history of a people, the ways of a society, and the importance of their language, one must immerse himself totally in the country and culture that he wishes to learn about. By giving me an opportunity to join this trip to Italy, I will be able to do exactly that. This shall be different summer for me should I be allowed to join this trip. I will be spending my time doing educational, yet recreational activities in a country full of amazing sights, sounds, and opportunities to behold. Those whom I know have already gone off to Italy for a summer have always come back to tell me wonderful tales from their trip. From becoming more proficient in the Italian language in both a written and spoken manner, to eating at the street carts along the road, visiting the house of Juliet, and riding through the vineyards that allow tourists to visit, they have all sang the praises of a summer trip to Italy as being money well spent. It is my hope that I too will be able to achieve that

Car Port Design Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Car Port Design Project - Assignment Example Thus the essay could give comprehensive information on the carport planning and design exercise. Car ports are units designed for the parking the cars to protect it from the environmental influences and dust. The ports need to be very cost effective and at the same time must be able to satisfy the requirement of the customer. Normally, these units are designed using the simple structural components like beam and columns. The roofing materials shall be lightweight and weather resistant. The columns shall be fixed firmly to the ground using suitable foundation units. The roof material is fixed on the purlins, which are connected to the beam. Thus the purlins are thin section beams that must be able to take the roofing component load while beams carry the weight of both purlins and roof cover. The columns are designed to carry the load transferred by the beams. The challenge in the design process is to select the most economical cross section that had least weight with maximum strength. Besides being very safe for the people and securing the vehicles, it must also be aesthetically very appealing and capable of creating very good visual impact. The most important parameters to be considered for the design of car ports are easy access, personal safety, vehicular safety and selection of materials and landscaping and aminity of adjacent area (SPG Note 16. The importance of first three parameters are self-explanatory. On the materials, the chosen ones shall be of good quality with most preferred being tarmac. Being very durable and attractive the cobbles or the block pavements too could be used. An effective landscaping could improve the overall appearance of the unit. This could be achieved by low boundary walls or fencing but should be very judicious in the selection of such systems as it must not give any opportunity for the outsiders to have a closer view of the vehicles parked in the car port. Also, the layouts shall incorporate the easiness in the maneuvering the vehicle by the drivers or any constrains imposed by disabled people (SPG Note 16). Also, in the case of multiple car ports. the design process shall also look into the easy access, visual clarity for the road users and pedestrians while locating the access points. In addition, detailed signboards or signages that give an indication about the entrance, exist, lift and any other important facility shall also be incorporated. 2.0 A comparison of different design concepts In the case of independent carport design for homes requires a detailed evaluation of the design proposals as the factors like variation in the type of materials or the roof overhangs could lead to considerable variation in the expected life and the initial cost required. The different carport designs that are normally adopted are usually based on different configuration of the spaces earmarked or selection of the materials. The stoned alone type carport or an

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hepatitis c Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Hepatitis c - Essay Example It exists in six genotypes, of these genotype I is most prevalent form of HCV. Since the virus exists in different genotypes and sub-genotypes, it becomes very challenging for the development of its vaccines. HCV is not related to other hepatitis viz. hepatitis A or hepatitis B. It is grouped in the family Flaviviridae along with yellow fever virus and dengue virus. As soon as virus gains entry in the liver, it elicits immune response resulting in inflammation; protracted inflammation lays the foundation of scarring which further takes the form of cirrhosis and thus preventing liver to perform its normal functions. Such condition paves the way for liver cancer (Alter, 2000). It is transmitted through blood especially through blood transfusion, use of unsterile injections and rarely through sexual transmission (in cases where an individual is suffering with Sexually Transmitted Disease and has open sores). 7. Sporadic transmission: in this case the source of the infection cannot be found out, it results due to community-acquired infections where virus gets entry in body through cuts or injuries or an abrasion (Alter, 2000). Use of sterile needles, safe hygiene conditions and routine blood examination, taking complete history of the patient, thorough screening of the blood for HCV when blood is donated by a donor or when given to the patient, use of self-capped needles, no sharing of personal belongings like razor, towels, toothbrushes, Acute: it is the initial 6 months when the patient contacts the infection of Hepatitis C. as the disease is asymptomatic no initial signs appear in majority of the population. Only 30-40% of the infected cases develop symptoms like reduced appetite, tiredness, aching abdomen, jaundice, itch, burning sensation and flu. When blood is examined through PCR, HCV can be seen in 1-3 weeks after getting the infection, moreover antibodies against the HCV could

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Instrumentation systems assignment Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Instrumentation systems assignment - Lab Report Example Single-point adjustment allows for the linear characteristic curve to be shifted in positive or negative direction over the entire measuring range. The large selection of pressure units of up to 6 different units is possible. It is far more than any complicated dual-scale, or multi-scale gauge can offer. The digital pressure gauge has a selection point for the required display unit to be posted on the screen. The desired value can be read directly eliminating the need for conversions (Kobata, Kojima and Kajikawa, 2012). Pressure is applied to the pressure sensors within the equipment. These sensors can either be resistive, capacitive or piezoelectric crystals. A pressure on the crystals causes a generation of electric current due to the piezoelectric effect. Since the generated voltages are slight, an amplifier is used to amplify the output to a readable value. The output is in analog form due to the analog sinusoidal voltage output from the transducers. The analog to digital converter is thus used to convert the analog output to produce its digital counterpart for ease of reading. The final output is displayed on a digital display screen (Morris, 2001). There are two operating keys on the Reference Type E. The left key turns the instrument on while at the same time used to execute its functions. Contrarily, the right key helps in switching between the MAX and MIN-value. The device displays the pressure range after turn-on for two seconds before changing into measuring mode. The functions of the device include: An indication on the display shows if the ZERO- and/or CONT-function is activated. By pressing the left key until ZERO and/or CONT disappears, the zero is reset to factory settings with the possibilities of reactivating the automatic turn-off function. It the actual pressure goes beyond the measuring range, OFL (overflow) appears on the display (Quinn, 1970). Pressures of known values were

Monday, September 23, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 17

Case Study Example The other cause was the statement by the apprentices that they never felt that they were learning anything and were preparing to leave. The apprentices did not do any meaningful work apart from chopping and cutting things, sweeping and mopping the floor. The other reason is that Hank, the banquet chef failed to meet with her and discuss her work schedule as had been promised. The action proved the statements from the other apprentices. The leadership and the management of Shady Lane Inn played a big role in the negative perception of Marietta concerning the company in various ways. First, they did not follow the training schedule and did not review the apprentices journals. The management did not supervise the apprentices as seen when Hank left Marietta with the others and arrived very rate. The leaders are not trustworthy from the way they do not review their apprentices work as they promised, which make them stay there longer than anticipated. The management of the company also lacks honesty, a fact displayed when Hank forces Marietta to have a positive attitude towards the company for her to stay longer. The steps that were necessary for Marietta to have a positive attitude are good supervision for instance Hank should have given her work himself instead of leaving her in the hands of the other apprentices. The apprentices should have explained to Marietta on the method to slice the onions instead of waiting until she was half way. Hank should have made an effort to meet Marietta as promised to create a good relationship and a sense of commitment. Shady Lane Company should do a number of things to avoid creating a negative attitude to the future apprentices by employing responsible managers for supervisory work. The top leaders should always make a follow-up ensure that the other managers are doing their work perfectly. The company management should analyse the apprentices views and their feelings about the company and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

John Winthrop Essay Example for Free

John Winthrop Essay John Winthrop is one of the outstanding figures in American history who through their dauntless pursuit of new opportunities and staunch adherence to their ideals have won for themselves a permanent place in the national hall of fame. Born in England, he brought all his intellectual power and religious fervor to build a new country in North America. His importance as the many times elected governor of Massachusetts led Francis J. Bremer to call Winthrop â€Å"Americas Forgotten Founding Father† (Bremer, 2003). Winthrop’s decision to join the Massachusetts Bay Colony was inspired by his ardent belief that Catholic ritual was a sin for the Anglican Church and that Puritans needed to cleanse themselves of this religious practice, sheltered in a new getaway in a foreign land. Obtaining the royal charter for what seemed on the surface a purely commercial enterprise, Winthrop and other influential Puritans in 1629 set on a journey that brought them to New England. His remarkable leadership ability was recognized by his companions immediately as he was elected the governor of the future colony even before the journey. Afterwards, Winthrop was re-elected to this post 12 times in total. Winthrop’s legacy lives on in the modern-day political community. Of special importance is his famous â€Å"City on a Hill† sermon in which he proclaimed the creation of a godly community as the goal of the new settlement. It should be noted that Winthrop, for all his religious zest, was also more moderate than many of his contemporaries and allies in the demonstration of his views. In the time of his governorship, he tried to keep the number of executions for heresy to a minimum and interfered with the introduction of some of the more conservative customs as the veiling of women. John Winthrop’s contribution to the development of North American colonies as well as his lasting intellectual legacy made him a memorable figure in the US history. Bibliography Black, Robert C. Iii. The Younger John Winthrop. New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Bremer, Francis J. John Winthrop: Americas Forgotten Founding Father. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Noll, Mark. â€Å"Founding Fathers? † First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life, 140 (February 2004): 38+. Waters, Thomas Franklin. A Sketch of the Life of John Winthrop, the Younger: Founder of Ipswich, Massachusetts, in 1633. Cambridge, MA: John Wilson and Son, 1899.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Business Analysis of Honeywell International

Business Analysis of Honeywell International Honeywell International is a Fortune 100 global diversified technology and manufacturing leader with revenues to the tune of $30.9 billion. The company has four strategic business units, namely Aerospace, Access and Control Solutions (ACS), Transportation Systems, and Specialty Materials. Honeywell employs about 123,000 employees in more than 123 countries of which over 10,000 are employed in India. The organizational structure of Honeywell India is illustrated in ) This thesis aims to formulate a design and implementation plan for a formalized onboarding program for two of the Strategic Business Units (SBUs) of Access and Control Solutions (ACS) namely: Honeywell Security Group (HSG) and ADI. Honeywell Security Group (HSG) Honeywell Security is an international supplier and distributor of electronic security systems and solutions. Honeywell Security is a business unit of Honeywell International, $34 billion diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. (Honeywell, 2010) Honeywell Security has an extraordinary range of solutions across intrusion detection, Video surveillance, access control technologies Home net systems and invests over $50 million a year in research and development. It has its engineering centers of excellence in the U.S., Canada, China, Korea, India, Scotland and France and leverages technologies that are developed elsewhere in Honeywell and brings them to the security business. Honeywell Security South Asia operations spans across Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and other South Asian countries with HQ in India. Headquartered at Gurgaon, Honeywell Security has sales offices in Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata catering to all four corners of the country. An exponentially growing business unit of Honeywell International, Honeywell Security caters to all electronic security needs for Industrial, Government, Defense, Transportation, Commercial, Retail, Hotel, Hospital, Corporate Buildings, IT, ITES, Banking and also the Residential market. Lines of Business Video Systems Products range from basic camera systems to fully integrated systems capable of working on LAN and over internet. Access Control Systems Single door applications to integrated enterprise level access control systems. Integrated Security Systems Use of access control, alarm monitoring, video badging, digital video, CCTV, visitor management and perimeter intrusion detection on vindicator platform to provide a comprehensive security management solution integrated with process control, building management control and other enterprise level systems. Intrusion Detection Systems Intrusion detection products ranging from the simplest door contact to the central station receiver. Home Systems Sophisticated end to end technology solutions for comfortable, secure informed living. In India, HSG employs about 61 employees constituting of about 33 sales employees ADI ADI is a $1.8 billion leading distribution business encompassing security, fire, sound and low voltage products, with over 219 branches across North America, Europe, Mid-East Africa. ADI globally represents more than 700 leading vendors and is a global distributor for more than 80,000 products. ADI also partners with customers by providing business tools, products and services they need to enhance their capabilities and grow their business. (Honeywell, 2010) Beginning 2006, ADI launched its distribution business in Asia with first three branches in India at Gurgaon, Bangalore Mumbai. ADI also has a team of sales professionals in New Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Jaipur, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Cochin and Hyderabad. ADIs goal in India is to build a successful distribution model to satisfy the burgeoning need for quality and cost-effective security, fire, sound and other low-voltage electronic products in the rapidly growing Indian economy. ADI in India represents over 40 leading industry brands in 7 product categories; over 2000 products and offers its customers a one stop shop value proposition at convenient branch locations, with multiple brands, local stocking, competitive pricing, training technical support and customer business centre all under one roof. In India, ADI employs about 120 employees constituting of about 82 sales employees. Lines of Business CCTV Fixed Cameras, Speed Dome Cameras, Digital Video Recorders (DVR), Monitors, Lens, Accessories. Intrusion Alarm Wired Wireless Control Panels, Keypads, PIR, Panic Switch, Magnetic Contacts, Gas-leak detectors, Sounders, Sensors, Speech Dialers, Accessories. Home Automation Video Door Phones, Multi-apartment solutions, Home Systems, Accessories. Access Control Single Multi-door Controllers, Readers, Cards, Locking devices, Accessories. Fire Alarm Conventional Addressable Control panels, Sensors Detectors, Call points, Notification Appliances, Initiation Devices, Accessories. Sound Speakers, Amplifiers, Microphones, Intelligent PA Systems, Professional Audio, Accessories. Chapter 8: Problem Statement The time taken for a sales employee currently to become productive, that is, start contributing effectively to the business at HSG and ADI divisions is about 6 months to a year. This problem has been even more consistent in ADI since its entry into the Indian market in 2006. This has a direct impact on productivity and revenue generation. Productivity is defined by an employees achievement of their key result areas (KRA) with a primary focus on target revenue achievement. Retention of employees is another concern especially at ADI. The attrition level is 13% at HSG and 31% at ADI year-to-date (YTD). This Management Research Report aims to understand the key reasons for attrition in the two divisions and the delays in productivity. Chapter 9: Hypothesis According to a study conducted by the Aberdeen Group, 90% new hires make their decision about whether to stay in the company within 6 months of joining. Inspite of this only 88% of companies have onboarding programs of duration less than 6 months (Refer to ). Another research reveals that over 50% of new hire sales people leave voluntarily or are terminated before they even become productive. The above statistics indicate the correlation between a formalized onboarding program and the productivity of an employee thereby leading to the hypothesis that investing in a formalized onboarding program and other engagement initiatives improves productivity and retention of an employee and increases revenues. It is a cost that needs to be incurred by a company so that the employees become productive assets by generating steady revenue streams on a regular basis. Chapter 10: Approach and Methodology Approach This project is approached through a combination of primary and secondary researches. The primary research piece includes interviews with the business leaders, sales employees and human resource managers. The intent is to analyze the problem from the business, employees and the process owners perspective. The secondary research was conducted via published reports and white papers about onboarding best practices. Once the results of the research were tabulated, an onboarding framework was designed based on the gaps identified between the current and desired state. A cost-benefit analysis is also conducted to estimate the effectiveness of the onboarding program. Lastly, through the use of Six Sigma tools, a Failure Modes and Effects Analyses (FMEA) study is undertaken for the proposed onboarding framework to identify, prioritize and mitigate potential risks associated with the program. At the end, some priority action points are suggested for the implementation of the program. Research Methodology Two questionnaires were rolled out for the research based on the initial inputs from the Human Resources team, namely for the business leaders and the sales employees. The questionnaires were sent to heads of the two SBUs and based on their availability, they were interviewed. The questionnaire for the business heads was designed with the intent of identifying the core issues in processes which might impede employee productivity (for example, recruitment policy, onboarding/training employees, performance evaluation or engagement) and to understand the desired state of a productive employee from the business leaders perspective. The second questionnaire was sent to a few of the sales employees at both of the SBUs. The sample employees selected for the interviews consisted of new sales employees who were about 6 months old in the organization. The others included some who have been with Honeywell for over a year. The intent of the interview was to identify the key challenges faced by the new employees in getting adequately oriented to the business. The secondary research was conducted with the intent of understanding onboarding best practices. Some of the published reports and white papers consulted were taken from Corporate Leadership Council (CLC), Aberdeen Group, Kaiser Associates, Bersin Associates and Gallup Consulting. Chapter 11: Analysis Employee Profile at ADI Figure Employee break-up by function in ADI Figure Sales v/s Non-sales employee mix As displayed in Figure 14 and 15, the sales function forms a major portion of the employee population in Honeywell ADI. Understanding that ADI is in the distribution business and the presence of numerous players, both organized and unorganized, makes the market extremely competitive and explains the sales driven nature of the organization. Figure Total work experience of employees in ADI Sales Division The division employs more skilled employees than fresh graduates (Figure 16). The maximum sales employee work force has a total work experience between 2-4 years Figure Work Experience in ADI Sales Division (in months) ADI has a fairly new workforce; most employees have spent only about 6 months in the organization (Figure 17). This signifies that there is a high turnover in the ADI and people are being hired more frequently. Additionally, the loyalty of ADI employees seems to diminish over the years spent in the organization. Figure ADI Sales Employee Industry Experience Profile Most sales employees have a background in security or IT. This implies that Honeywell aims to recruit as many people with a background in Security, although due to a lack of available skilled talent, they prefer to recruit from the IT industry, followed by distribution (Figure 18). A need for technical knowledge is the reason for IT and security taking precedence over distribution. Other industries include telecommunications, computer hardware, FMCG, chemicals, dish television providers etc. Employee Profile at HSG Figure Employee break-up by function in HSG Figure Employee break up Sales v/s Non Sales: HSG As displayed in Figure 19 and 20, just like the ADI division, the sales function too forms a major portion of the employee population in the HSG division as well. Figure Total work experience of employees in HSG Sales Division The division employs more skilled employees than fresh graduates (Figure 21). The maximum sales employee work force has a total work experience between 2-4 years. However this variation is less in HSG as compared to ADI. Figure Work Experience in HSG Sales Division (in month) Figure Composition of employees by tenure in organization Comparative view HSG vs. ADI While experienced in the industry, HSG has a workforce new to Honeywell; most employees have spent only about six months in the organization (Figure 22). However a comparative look at the composition of employees by tenure in the organization (Figure 23), suggests that there are a greater number of employees hired at a faster rate in ADI than HSG. In ADI. 37% of the employee population has spent six or less than six months in the organization as compared to 27% in HSG. Also there are a greater number of older employees in HSG than ADI. This suggests that employee retention is better in HSG than in ADI for employees who spend more than 36 months in the organization. Figure Sales Employee Industry Profile: HSG Most sales employees have a background in IT or Security. This implies that Honeywell aims to recruit as many people with a background in Security, although due to a lack of available skilled talent, they prefer to recruit from the IT industry, followed by System Integration. A need for technical knowledge is the reason for IT and Security taking precedence over System Integration. (Figure 24) Interview Results Interviews with Business Leaders: Challenges and Findings (Please refer to and for the details of the interview) This section summarizes the key findings from the interviews conducted with the business leaders of the ADI (Harish Vellat) and HSG (Anil Mehra) Divisions respectively. ADI: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To enable the sales employee to have an intelligent conversation with the customer. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Meet both product and category wise targets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To get a good knowledge about both Honeywell and competitor products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Understand the customer and preempt his expectations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Clearly state objectives and desired outcomes of the onboarding program to the employees HSG: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Low awareness about the industry and hence lack of relevant talent. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lack of a formalized onboarding/ training schedule à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Challenge to administer employees based in remote locations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ No formalized feedback process to gauge the effectiveness of the onboarding program à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To bring the employees on board at the earliest Interviews with New Sales Employees: Findings ADI à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Most respondents have relevant work experience. A lot of them have worked in the profile of a System Integrator. Previous employers: Godrej, Vodaphone, Voltas, Sony Ericsson. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The aggressive fast paced nature of work is a challenge. The product portfolios that the employees were handling at Honeywell are much larger as compared to their previous roles where it was much smaller. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Employees sense a lack of in-depth knowledge about the products. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lack of clarity of role/ processes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Control measures implemented in case of lack of clarity: Technical team, branch manager, colleagues. Most employees said that they prefer contacting their immediate colleagues first due to easy reach. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Other employees supported the idea of having a buddy/mentorship system in place since it would serve as a platform for potential employees to take on higher roles HSG à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Induction winded up too fast. Too much information in very little time à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lack of clear understanding of the business models. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People based in remote locations face a problem in reaching out to their RMs directly à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Changing the mindset of people to open up to a niche product/market à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lack of clarity on processes especially order and collection processes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Products are priced at par/high priced compared to competitors and the challenges are in justifying the product to them. Ideal versus Current State of New employee productivity at Honeywell Current State: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Time to Productivity Currently it takes about 6 months to a year for an employee to reach productivity à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Selling Skills Employees selling skills is currently based on their previous work experience. They lack selling skills specific to Honeywell and the distribution model. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Industry/ company knowledge Employees come from similar industries and have a fair understanding of the industry. However they lack the understanding of the impact of their contribution to Honeywell objectives. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Product Knowledge Employees do not feel confident about their understanding of the products as they think the product trainings wind up too fast and the product portfolio is large. A few respondents also felt that Honeywell products are priced at par or higher than a few competitors and they find it challenging to justify the product to the customers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Learning internal processes (order, booking, preparing bill of quantities etc.) Employees do not feel comfortable with the processes and utilize previous work experience to comply with processes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Build relationships with various functions (commercial, marketing, technical, supply chain etc.) Lack of interaction with marketing team, inadequate technical support à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Engagement in day to day selling activities (prospecting/ meeting customer) Employees selling skills is currently based on their previous work experience. Lack of clarity on everyday process which increases follow ups with managers/colleagues. Ideal State: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Time to Productivity Desired state would be to reduce the time to productivity to 3-4 months à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Selling skills Employees should be able to make an intelligent conversation with the customer. They should possess employee good prospecting skills and should continuously communicate with the customers by asking questions, listening to them and collecting the information and thereby draw an action plan to approach the same. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Industry/ company knowledge Productive employees should possess a thorough knowledge of the various products offered not only by Honeywell but also the competitors. These employees should be able to connect individual objectives to Honeywell objectives. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Product knowledge The employees should have a deep understanding of the products. They should be able to bring out the strengths of each product to the customer to justify the price and add value. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Learning internal processes (order, booking, preparing bill of quantities etc.) A productive employee should adhere to all internal processes from the start to the closure of an account; customer evaluation, payment, order taking, billing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Build relationships with various functions (commercial, marketing, technical, supply chain etc.) A productive employee needs to work in coherence with other functional teams to get better market information and tune the companys environment to market conditions (competitor moves, changing market trends, forecasting demand) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Engagement in day to day selling activities (prospecting/ meeting customer) A productive employee consistently follows up with the customer, is extremely responsive to customer demands and prepares a plan of action from themselves. Summary of Ideal versus Current State Figure Summary of Ideal versus Current State The current state of Actual versus Target Sales achievement and Bonus Payouts is summarized below. Actual versus Target Sales and Gross Margin Achievement Market Share Total Market Size ($) 349,000,000    Market Share ADI% 5%    ADI Annual Revenue ($) 17,450,000 Total market size ($) times market share of ADI (%) ADI Gross Margin ($) 13% Actual Gross Margin for ADI Employee Targets # Total Sales Employees in ADI 82    # New employees (not rated) 32    Revenue Target per employee per day (Rs.) 80,000    Revenue Target per employee per day ($) 1818 (1 USD = Rs. 44) # working days 231 52 weeks times 5 working days per week minus 21 paid days off + 8 national holidays Annual Revenue Target per employee ($) 420,000 Sales target per employee per day times # of working days Annual Revenue Target for ADI (all employees) 34,440,000 Annual Sales target per employee times # total sales employees in ADI    Revenue Gross Margin Description Targets Weights in Sales Incentive Program 75% 25%    Target per employee per day ($) 1818 N/A Gross margin for ADI is 20% Annual target per employee ($) 420,000 N/A Annual target per employee times # of working days Annual target for the ADI division 34,440,000 20% Annual target per employee times # total sales employees in ADI Actual versus Target Mismatch Actual as a % of Target 51% 65.00%    Weighted (Actual as % of Target) 38% 16% 75%:25% weight to Revenue: Gross Margin in SIP Figure Target Sales Achievement Figure 29 shows the actual versus target achievement by the sales employees at the ADI division. The total market size as mentioned before for the Electronic Security Market is USD 349 million. ADI accounts for about 5% of the total market share and its gross margin for FY2010 was recorded at 13%. There were 82 sales employees as of June 2010 of which 32 were new (less than 6 months old) and were not rated for performance. The Key Results Area (KRA) set for each sales employee includes Billing of Rs.80,000 (USD 1818) per day and meet weekly targets. For details of the all the KRAs please refer to . Assuming an employee has 5 working days in a week and there are 52 weeks in a year of which there are 21 paid leaves and 8 national holidays, the total number of working days is 231. The annual revenue per target is thus USD 420,000. For a typical sales employee at ADI the sales incentive program is split between individual revenue target achievement and ADIs gross margin target achievemen t. The gross margin target for ADI was set at 20%. The Individual revenue and gross margin SIP components are split in the ratio of 75:25. Knowing the divisions annual revenue achievement in FY2010 was USD 17.45 million and the target revenue is USD 34.44 million, we can infer that the actual revenue as a percentage of target revenue was only 51%. Additionally the actual versus target gross margin achievement is calculated as 65% (13%/20%). Assigning the respective weights based on the SIP, the actual as a percentage of target achievement is 38% and 16% for the revenue and gross margin components respectively. These figures clearly suggest that the division is way behind achievements of its targets. A closer look at Figure 30 also supports the possible reasons for this mismatch. Bonus Payouts Bonus Payout (Actual versus Target) Payout % of target payout Planned       Performance at 75% of target 50%    Performance at 100% of target 100%    Performance at 130% of target 200%    Actual bonus payout       What % of target was bonus paid out Actual 100%    # Sales employees who exceeded target performance (bonus payout >100%) 25 Honeywell Performance Development (HPD) 9 block rating (1,2,4) # New employees who were not rated 32    Potential population at risk 25 # total sales employees in ADI (# of new employees not rated + # sales employees who were paid bonus) Potential attrition rate 30%    Current attrition rate 31% YTD Figure Bonus Payouts Figure 30 illustrates the actual bonuses that were paid out in FY2010 to the ADI sales employees. The sales incentive policy distinguishes the payout at different levels of performance as follows: Figure : Sales Incentive Policy Performance Levels Performance Target Achievement % Payout (% of target payout) Threshold 75% 50% Target 100% 100% Maximum 130% 200% Based on the limited data available, the number of employees who exceeded their performance and got a bonus payout of greater than 100% was estimated based on the performance ratings. Honeywell follows a 9-block performance rating matrix called the Honeywell Performance Development (HPD). The matrix is based on two parameters: results and behaviors with three rating scales namely: Exceeds Honeywell Standards, At Honeywell Standards and Below Honeywell Standards. Additionally, the base salary to incentive is pay mix is in the ratio 65:35. Refer to for the matrix. Based on the matrix, ratings 1, 2 and 4 signify exceeds standards ratings in one of the two parameters at least or both. There were 25 employees who received an HPD rating 1, 2 or 4, while the number of employees who were not rated since they were new is 32 in number. This means that the remaining 25 employees form part of the potential employees who are the risk of leaving the organization. This accounts for an attrition ra te of around 30%. As per the data provided by the Human Resources team as well, the attrition rate was indicated as 31% YTD.